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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dream Whisperer Presents: FALLING

Horrorwalker World Presents:


(Gibraltar, Wisconsin)

Dream Whisperer... can you hear me?
My name is Teri Growing Thunder.
I've read about your mystical dream adventures for years.
My Choctaw ancestry believes in Panentheism.
So, you are my sister... and I need your earth spirit to find me.
I need your help before I am lost in this dream time.

Help me, Dream Whisperer.
I believe I am stuck in what you have described to us as a Dream Loop.
I fell asleep in a time I no longer have grasp of --
How long ago I do not know --
But I am now trapped in a nightmare from which I cannot escape.

I believe I am still actually lying on my back in my bed.
There is a heavy Spirit Quilt made of thick dream cloth covering me.
I am stuck in, and on, it like a sticky spider web holding me for death.
It is pressing down on me and preventing my movement.
I am immobilized in the dream stuff I never knew existed.

I can see something spirit-like hanging over me.
It is alive and I am frightened of it.
I am looking through cheese cloth-like material...
Seeing only a bizarre image in blur and light and darkness.
The red eyes are wide.
The full of sharp teeth mouth is grinning.
The strange shape is not quite human.
What am I going to do without your help, Dream Whisperer?

I want to scream, but my mouth is glued shut by the dream material.
I want to breath, but I cannot draw in a breath because my nostrils are clogged.
I want to scream, but I cannot because my lungs have no air.
I want to grab the creature, but my hands cannot move.
I want to kick the creature, but my legs are trapped tight.
I want to roll off the bed, but my muscles will not flex.
I am trapped like a cocooned fly in a hellish spider web.

If I fall from my location...
Dropping down through the horror dream stuff...
To fall through the dream clouds...
Screaming in impotent horror...
Bracing for a never to come impact in my terrorized mind...
Will I die, Dream Whisperer?
Will I die if I can find a solid piece of reality to land upon to stop this nightmare?
Or, can you find me --
Among the billions of sleep time nightmare dream scenarios --
Before I succumb to... madness?

I am begging you, Dream Whisperer.
Come to me and help me before I am consumed by the horror.
I will scream and beg and scream again...
Come to me, Dream Whisperer...
I know you are in the dream stream looking for lost souls like me.
Please focus your attention to my plight.
I beg for you to release me from this horror nightmare.
Or, kill me in my dream so that my body may die in my bed.
Either way...
I beg for release, Dream Whisperer!


Friday, September 6, 2013


I have saved another mind from the ravages it forces upon itself! 
And now... 
I have to save that mind from the archaic Heath Care System of Oklahoma!


(Ada, Oklahoma)


It has always been right there, Mary Ann!
It was always just behind you.
Or, was it always just above you?
Maybe, it was always just was off to the side?
You never really knew, did you?
You've never really been able to see it...
But you knew it was there all along.

What is this mysterious “it?”
Is it a eureka “Yes indeed” or perhaps a profound “Ah ha!”
What a cathartic moment that will be...
When you finally confront it --
When you can finally face the personal truth.
You will find your personal epiphany!
You will finally find the piece of mind you crave.

I heard you crying from the soul of your mind.
Your sadness was so profound that I felt it from across the nation.
The mental sickness you suffer through is a direct result of your broken psyche.
All you needed to find your relationship with your lost sanity was...
A hand to guide your hands as you drew the map to the place where your sanity was buried.
You and I dug up the puzzle pieces that needed to be put back together...
And now you are on your way to a 'miraculous' recovery.

You and I had to find a fourth dimension inside your mind to find your core.
The dimensions in the third,
You have discovered by much hit and miss,
Cannot produce enough good angles to find what you've lost inside your sanity.
But deep inside your mind was the answer you discovered for self-peace.
Your fourth dimension was right there -- it was hidden in the dreams you experience.
And you, and I, found it together... you and me -- The Dream Whisperer!

Memory is frighteningly profound, is it not?
To find what you needed to see the light to your clarity...
In a memory from when you were a little girl in Fairfax, Virginia.
The cool spring day... decades ago... when you brushed away those dried leaves...
And you saw what you believed at the time was the most beautiful thing in the world.
And finding that one lost memory placed everything back in proper order.
And now... you are ready to tackle the world again.

But first, I must take the drive to Ada, Oklahoma... crazy Oklahoma.
The psychiatric hospital in your town is your virtual prison... understandably.
You were too ill to care for yourself, or your children, in your formal state of sickness.
But you are mentally well now.
And you are listening to this monologue inside your mind in real time.
And, for the sake of your freedom, you must stay relaxed until I arrive in two days.
The battle with the Oklahoma health care system is difficult -- I must advocate for your sanity!

You must not open your eyes as of now.
Your husband is slumped over asleep in the chair in the corner, watching over you.
I will contact him through his sleep and tell him that you are OK.
I must be there when you tell the hospital staff you are repaired, so rest until I get there.
I will tell Robert that he needs to bring your children with him in the morning.
This will be a very good Saturday for you and your family.
And now... you give me a little love, Mary Ann, while I fight Oklahoma for your release.


Monday, April 15, 2013

I Can Hear You, But I Can't Find You! (Part I & II)

(Part I)
(Baltimore, Maryland)

Barbara Mallory... I can hear you calling my name when I've fallen asleep every night for the past six days. I hear you in the deepest part of my subconsciousness, even when I am awake. I know you desperately need me, and I am here for you.

But, I do not know where you are. There is an image, so clear... and here it is, Barbara. What does this mean? Where are you? Whose footsteps are these?

Usually, I can use my ability to focus onto the direction of a victim of a dream attack of the mind like the tip of the magnetic needle of a compass pulled to the powerful magnetic north. For whatever reason there is... I cannot find you.

Have you been captured?
Are you being held against your will?
Are you being harmed?
Are you drugged?
Are you even in America?
Where are you, Barbara?

I sense deviancy, Barbara. I feel the force, the brutality, of... rape? I do not know, Barbara. I do not know.

I will go to sleep now, Barbara. The time is 11:32 PM. When I fall asleep naturally, I am at the height of my power. I must be clean of all drugs, sugar, salt and especially Monosodium Glutamate. These substances and compounds short circuit my abilities to different degrees, with MSG completely turning off my ability.

I have fasted for two days, now. I am purged, strong and ready to receive your calling. Start now, Barbara, and tell me where you are. Think... think hard... project your mind to me. You found me in our dreams. Now, tell me your location!

As soon as I know where you are I will know how to help you. I will then awaken and we will meet. Now... let us both sleep... sleep... sleep... so that I might come to your rescue, Barbara. Sleep, sleep, sleepppppp...


(To be continued 4-15-13 in The Dream Whisperer Chronicles...)

(Part II)
(Baltimore, Maryland)

Barbara Mallory... I can here your voice clearer now. You are located in the direction that I will call north. You must realize how lucky you are, because direction is arbitrary in the Dreamscape... but I have developed the ability to force my senses to create distance, direction and a solid flooring for me to stand upon. I am not affected by The Falling Dream! I will not die if I hit the floor in reality, while inside a dream... thank goodness my abilities continue to develop the longer I live. And so, I am now on my way to find you.

There is no candy color in your dream's, is their Barbara? The dark thunder clouds pour dark sticky red blood to coat the horizon a thin, dripless line that extends around the circumference of your dream world. Millions of phallic obelisks piston up and down from the ground level, that I perceive, to slam up into the blood line with painful blood splattering force, to pull back into the darkness below, while others jut upward to splatter more blood. The scene is almost indescribable... I have not done it any Justice.

And I will have to traverse that madness in order to get to your location. Oh yes, Barbara... I can see you over there. Your image is fuzzy, but I know where you are. Here I come...

Each step I take toward you would be a disastrous step into possible insanity for anyone other you, Barbara. I am here to help you escape the madness inside your mind. By my force of concentration, I have traversed the Obelisks. This part of the trek toward your salvation was simple. But now...

Forgive me now, Barbara, because I must leave you alone for a moment. Do not be afraid... I have actually crept up on something very bad inside your dream. I am about to engage a repressed evil memory from your childhood past. I see it floating over the image of a comatose little girl. It is doing things to her that only a perverted monster would think of. It has not seen me yet, because I will not allow it to see me. But I must become visible, to stand before this base dream beast... before I can confront it.

And, you should not see what is about to happen.

I now understand why you have been stricken down by your mind... left in a catatonic coma for 5 years in the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. I now know everything about you that I need to know in order to help you, Barbara.

The thing I see is a hulking Teddy Bear monster of cigarette stained brown teeth, perversion tainted menstrual blood stained bed sheets, the tears of the shame filled Barbie doll witnesses and the pillow muffled screams of the forced sexual pain of the rape I sensed inside your memory.

I have created, in my right hand, a dream sword with a four foot long blade made of science fiction white hot plasma stuff. On my left forearm, I have created a diamond shield to block the mighty force of the counterattack I am sure to encounter when I attack.

I want you to close your mind now to the dream around you. I want you to sing the song that your mother sang to you to put you to bed... the one you heard when you had your best memory. Yes, that is the one -- "You Are My Sunshine." I want you to sing that song to yourself until I ask you to stop singing. As long as you sing the song, you will not hear, or see, my battle with your dream demon.

Please sing now... and I will be back for you soon.

Barbara.... hello, Barbara... how do you feel right now?
"I feel like a mountain has been lifted off my chest, Dream Whisperer. I feel like my mind could float away on a fluttery cloud of  Monarch Butterflies."
And why are we here, Barbara... inside your mind?
"I... don't remember, Dream Whisperer. I feel like I was once sad... and now I am very happy to have you here inside my mind... talking to me?"
Do you remember your last name, Barbara?
"Why, yes... I am Barbara Mallory."
And do you remember your mother's name, Barbara?
"Oh yes, my mother's name is Anne. Is she here with us, Dream Whisperer?"
Actually, Barbara... we are going to see her very soon -- in reality.
"Oh, thank you, Dream Whisperer. Thank you so much for saving me from... the something bad that is long gone from the fabric of my being, right... Dream Whisperer?"
Right, Barbara... that something bad has been carved right out of your memory. Now let us go home, OK?
"Yes, Dream Whisperer."
I want you to close your mind again, Barbara. Sing the song you were just singing before I called you back to me. And when you have sang the song five times I will call you back. You will be back to the place where you belong. Start singing now, please, and goodbye... for now.
It was easy convincing Anne Mallory that I was a creature of reality who was invading her dream. She wanted to believe in any type of miracle, so she awoke from her dream like I told her to. We met each other three hours later, at 7:25 AM, at the corner Starbucks... because of my drive through the early Friday morning traffic up to Baltimore.

We talked about the future of her daughter's mental state of being... that I purged the paralysis inducing traumatic, violent memory of her rape by her uncle. I gutted that memory, from crotch to chin, by slicing it in half with my purging dream sword. The memory can never return, because it now never occurred within the context of Barbara's memory. And so, we also agreed to never again bring up the issues to Barbara.

And 20 minutes later, standing at the bedside of Barbara Mallory, I whispered for Barbara to awaken and give her mother a hug. I then decided that my work here with Barbara was done. I gave them both a tearful hug and left the room, dodging the nurses who were now rushing into the room as their monitors were now registering Barbara's miraculous recovery.

Another dream whispered... and another day's beginning.


When I was inside the dream of Anne Mallory, I could sense the same kind of tortured horror, like that of her daughter, deep inside her mind. I have allowed a week of other adventures to pass by my world since then, but the time is now for me to purge the horror memories from her mind, too. Her brother was a very sick man who affected many more people than this mother and daughter.

Ah... another deep excursion into the mind of another person. Ann Mallory may, or may not, remember my upcoming visit into her dream state... that will be up to what I find inside her memories. I hope she was not complicit in her brother's evils.

I will soon have my answers, for this is what I do. I am The Dream Whisperer... and, sometimes the horror I find extends to an entire family. Then things might get ugly. I'll see, in time. I'll see.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Dog Ears


Being a dream whisperer gives me dog ears.

From extreme distances from the source, I can hear… the screams, the whispers, the callings, the begging, the mumblings and the dream secrets that hide inside the minds of humans. Like a canine with its dog ears, I can turn my focus from here to there and locate the human object of my focus.

As a youth, I was frightened near insanity of my ability. Even though my mother taught me how to focus on my center, so that I could effectively push the thoughts and images away from my line of mental sight, I was convinced that I was a helpless leaf swirling about in the center of a horror hurricane.

Mother’s Japanese customs are still lost to me, even today. I respect her and the ways of old… but I leave it to her personal devices to show respect to the old spirits. Once I gained control of my dog ears, at 13 years old, and I came to terms with the fact that I am not necessarily a direct part of The Horrorwalker’s horror monster world, I immediately dropped my fear of what I thought were the ghosts and spirits of ancient Japan haunting my dreams and reality.

Oh, I have seen horror!

To date, I have come into contact with three vampires, two werewolves, one Baku, three ghost spirits and one poltergeist. I entered the dreams of the human-creatures by way of locating them with my dog ears. I fought with the ethereal entities by entering the dreams haunted by them… by way of locating them with my dog ears.

I entered their minds, fought with their souls and demons and left them… ah, I’m getting way ahead of myself at this moment.

I decided when I was 12 years old that I never enter the minds of the innocent. The trauma of normal people having me invade their personal sanity can create a breaking point with that sanity once they realize they are being manipulated from the brain outward. I am not going down that road again. I destroyed Anne Marks’ sanity when she was 12 years old.

Anne was my next door neighbor. She was also my best friend. We played together, rode the school bus together, studied together and ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches together. We were best friends.

She stood up for me when the racial bullying began and actually punched Darrell in the nose the day he called me slant eyes. Her legend was already beginning to form.

One day, Anne came to my house to study. We were working on math problems when she began to cry. I asked her what was wrong with her, but she refused to answer. When I pressed her for an answer, she grabbed her books and ran home. My mother asked me what was wrong, but I did not have an answer.

Later that same day -- now into the night, I was lying on my bed in my bedroom… in the darkness. I was on my back, quilt pulled up to my nose, staring up at the darkness where my ceiling was. I was thinking about Anne, trying to imagine what her issues could be. I then slipped off to sleep.

I could hear Anne calling for help with my dog ears. She was actually only a few yards away from me, and so her calls were loud and clear. Without an effort, was was standing in her dream time… watching her from the side as she was dangling by her hands from a branch of a huge tree. She was holding on and yelling for help in a panic state of dream. The grassy ground was only two feet below her dangling bare toes, but she was fear filled in the dream and too frightened to drop to the grass.

I could not help her, because even at that young age I realized that to let her know I was there might traumatize her actual mind. So, I stood in silent invisibility… watching her and knowing that as soon as she let go of the branch she would have her falling dream. Although she would be frightened by the dream of falling, she would be OK when she finally landed all the way down for the two feet of distance.

I’ve even had that dream.

So I waited, just to make sure my friend was OK. I turned to the right to smile at the Teddy Bear floating over by the candy cane house. Then Anne yelled again and I turned to her. And suddenly, things took a dramatic turn for the worse. Darrell Missi was standing on the branch and he had just stomped Anne’s left hand. She was now dangling by her right hand.

I panicked! I broke through the dream invisibility barrier and rushed to her aid. I jumped through the air like a baby super hero and grabbed Darrell’s dream body by both hands. I ripped him in half like he was a piece of paper and threw both halves back into the recesses of Anne’s mind. I then gently helped Anne to the ground, all the while feeling her dream eyes staring at me like I was… a dream.

“You’re real, aren’t you?” Anne said to me as she took a step back.

“Yes,” I answered. “I heard you scream and I came to help you.”

“But…” Anne whispered as she took another step back away from me. “How can you be in my dream?”

“Don’t be scared,” I begged of Anne taking a step toward her with my hands outreached to her. “Let’s just wake up and I’ll come over and tell you everything about me.”

The fear and confusion overtook Anne. And before I could grab her, she turned and ran into the candy cane house. I ran after her, right on her heels. When I opened the door to grab her to take her to reality… I was too late. She had run off into another place in her dream state, and I did not know how to find her. She was gone… running lost throughout the recesses of her mind.

There was nothing I could do but hope she could find her way back to the candy cane house… and back to what was now sanity lost. But, at the time, I did not know that Anne has just lost her mind to insanity… at my hand. But I learned all about it as the years rolled by. And, my guilt has eaten away at me for a lot of years.

My friend, after all these years… I have finally gained the confidence to face you again. You have been in this coma state since that night so long ago. This hospital prison, these nurses guards and the lost time of life must end tonight. The time is now for me to enter into your mind, and soul, and find you to bring you back to reality! Shame on me for waiting so long, but I have always been too afraid to touch your mind.

I have seen real horror. I should be dead. But, I am here… and they are gone! And now is the time to find you and bring you back. I hope you are ready, Anne. This is going to be a hell of a ride!



Thursday, March 7, 2013


I am The Dream Whisperer.
You know my name because you can see it in your dream.
You have called out to me to help you rid your mind of your derision.
But, are you ready for the horror you might face when I enter your dream?
Unknown things lurk deeper inside your mind than you realize.
And I make you face those dark things.
Are you ready for me?
Here is a less horrific example of what it is for you to invite me inside your dream.
What will you truly want from me after you read this example called...
The Crossing!



South Moon Manor Psychiatric Center
(Seattle, Washington)

Says The Dream Whisperer:

I am alone,
 My lights are low,
My bed is warm,
My mind is clear and the final session into Jasper's mind is about to begin.
His psychosis is was so severe that his mind was shutting down his body.
I needed to be at home in the comfortable confines of my own bed for this final trek.
Even though Jasper is on the hospital bed twenty miles away...
I needed the distance between us because I did not want to overwhelm him this time.
Valery is such a good friend of mine...
And an excellent and caring sister to Jasper!
I love her and wish both she, and her brother, no harm.
Even though there was the chance of destroying Jasper's Id,
As I dug my claws deep into his dream state,
I decided to whisper his dream to save him anyway...
As she continued to beg for my help in her own dreams.
I will enter Jasper's mind,
For the last time,
On the dream airplane of his fondest childhood memory.
Now Jasper gets to fix his own mind by telling me things only he and I will ever know!
He will tell me things I do not know!
Now focus, my friend.
Focus on a memory that reminds you of a fantastic moment.
Speak to me now, Jasper.


Says Jasper Johns:

Sarah Anne...
I have focused!
Can you see the most beautiful thing we have seen together?
Remember the day we took that picture that bright Spring morning?
Can you see our flower?
I see it now...
And it has brought you to me!

You were like my other lovely sister. 
We have all grown up together...
From the four year old dream kids of yesteryear...
 Until the 29 year old pieces of memory we are today. 
You and me and my sister... 
We've lived through it all... 
Together as best dream friends of youth surfing the dream waves together.

Unfortunately for our friendship, 
We've been apart for the last eleven years. 
My time consuming job took me away from you. 
I must confess that when I saw you last week in my dream, 
For the first time in all these years, 
I nearly fell over into the dream river and drowned in the emotions. 
How could I forget my need for you that fast?

You stepped out of the dream airplane onto the dream shore, 
On the other side of the dream river, 
And I watched you attempt to walk toward me. 
But the dream river was moving too fast and you could not cross. 
So I had to create the dream boat with enough power to push me to you. 
The closer I got to you the faster my heart began to beat in my chest. 
And, the closer I got to you the more I remembered your beauty.

It was my honor to lift you up from the surface of the dream river. 
Your ability to travel through the world of dreams
Traversing the insides of the human mind,
Makes you into the ultimate dream trekker here. 
So, it was my pleasure to feel you in my arms as you hugged me. 
It was my pleasure to see you smile again as you looked into my eyes. 
And touching you in my dream... 
It is a straightening out of the crazy state of my mind...
 That you have brought clarity to my deepest thoughts and dreams.
I now see my existence differently than the last time we interacted almost a dream millennium ago. 
How long is that in real time... I forget.

You know I love you. 
I love you more than a sister!
I know that now... 
And my depression is caused by confused derision.
Now you know how much I love you. 
Please forgive this bit of voyeurism into your life from inside this dream, 
But I have looked into your dream state, too... 
And I now know the peace you know.
The lessons you taught me about dreams as a kid...
I remember them now...
And clarity is inside my brain because you have touched my dreams again.

I thank you, 
Beautiful whisperer of my dreams. 
I can now let go of the sadness, 
And the madness, 
That quarks my waking state and my dream state. 
As you can now see, 
My dream river has slowed down to the point that...
You can now walk back to the other side without my assistance. 
I thank you for bringing me focus... forever.
And when I eventually awake in reality... 
I know I will be free to see the light clearly and without delusion.
Thank you, my goddess of my dreams...
My friend from our incredible youth...
My Dream Whisperer.


Says The Dream Whisperer:

And there you have it...
The beginning of the end of the madness inside my friends mind!
The final result of my actions are soon to be realized...
When Jasper decides to return to the waking world.
That dream airplane was a very sweet vehicle,
Transporting me throughout a landscape created by his slight madness.
With sanity returned,
Let us hope Jasper wants to return to the real world chaos.
We will know in two days.
And now...
I must cleanse my own dreamscape.
Sleep brings back my full sanity, too.
I will write the report for my personal journal in the morning.
And I will give that report to the hospitals doctors later in the day.
Good night,
This has been a rather long day.