I have saved another mind from the ravages it forces upon itself!
And now...
I have to save that mind from the archaic Heath Care System of Oklahoma!
(Ada, Oklahoma)
It has always been right there, Mary Ann!
It was always just behind you.
Or, was it always just above you?
Maybe, it was always just was off to the side?
You never really knew, did you?
You've never really been able to see it...
But you knew it was there all along.
What is this mysterious “it?”
Is it a eureka “Yes indeed” or perhaps a profound “Ah ha!”
What a cathartic moment that will be...
When you finally confront it --
When you can finally face the personal truth.
You will find your personal epiphany!
You will finally find the piece of mind you crave.
I heard you crying from the soul of your mind.
Your sadness was so profound that I felt it from across the nation.
The mental sickness you suffer through is a direct result of your broken psyche.
All you needed to find your relationship with your lost sanity was...
A hand to guide your hands as you drew the map to the place where your sanity was buried.
You and I dug up the puzzle pieces that needed to be put back together...
And now you are on your way to a 'miraculous' recovery.
You and I had to find a fourth dimension inside your mind to find your core.
The dimensions in the third,
You have discovered by much hit and miss,
Cannot produce enough good angles to find what you've lost inside your sanity.
But deep inside your mind was the answer you discovered for self-peace.
Your fourth dimension was right there -- it was hidden in the dreams you experience.
And you, and I, found it together... you and me -- The Dream Whisperer!
Memory is frighteningly profound, is it not?
To find what you needed to see the light to your clarity...
In a memory from when you were a little girl in Fairfax, Virginia.
The cool spring day... decades ago... when you brushed away those dried leaves...
And you saw what you believed at the time was the most beautiful thing in the world.
And finding that one lost memory placed everything back in proper order.
And now... you are ready to tackle the world again.
But first, I must take the drive to Ada, Oklahoma... crazy Oklahoma.
The psychiatric hospital in your town is your virtual prison... understandably.
You were too ill to care for yourself, or your children, in your formal state of sickness.
But you are mentally well now.
And you are listening to this monologue inside your mind in real time.
And, for the sake of your freedom, you must stay relaxed until I arrive in two days.
The battle with the Oklahoma health care system is difficult -- I must advocate for your sanity!
You must not open your eyes as of now.
Your husband is slumped over asleep in the chair in the corner, watching over you.
I will contact him through his sleep and tell him that you are OK.
I must be there when you tell the hospital staff you are repaired, so rest until I get there.
I will tell Robert that he needs to bring your children with him in the morning.
This will be a very good Saturday for you and your family.
And now... you give me a little love, Mary Ann, while I fight Oklahoma for your release.
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